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Ways to Engage:

Service Clubs & Faith Based Groups

Community Connectedness

Older adults are connected to their communities and participate in community life.


  • Seek out opportunities for your members to volunteer together.

  • Promote participation/membership in your group as a way to age well together.

  • Promote intergenerational opportunities.

  • Facilitate a Longevity Workshop series.



Every older adult is able to access and afford transportation to resources.


  • Initiate a plan within your group to provide rides to members who no longer drive.


Varied Housing Options

Older adults have access to affordable, safe and healthy housing.


  • Start an older adult foster family care program to help families connect with seniors in need of “foster family” homes and support.

  • Encourage your members to consider renting available housing spaces to seniors at a lower than market rental rate.

  • Provide emergency funding support to senior members who experience temporary budget shortfalls due to unplanned expenses.

  • Support local volunteer-run home modification programs that provide free or low cost home safety improvements to seniors.


Healthy Living

Older adults have the resources and support to engage in healthy living including good nutrition and self-care, physical activity, positive mental health, chronic disease prevention and freedom from unhealthy addictions.

  • Invite speakers to encourage and educate members about good nutrition, physical activity, chronic disease prevention and other aspects of healthy living to promote the cultural transformation and experience of healthy aging.


Lifelong Learning

Older adults have access to education and training and are adequately prepared for the challenges of the future.


  • Invite speakers who will provide ongoing learning throughout the lifespan.

  • Integrate and promote healthy aging education and opportunities at your larger community events. 


Employment and Financial Security

Older adults, and their families, have access to economic resources, services and support to live independently.


  • Invite service providers to present to your membership on resources for older adults and their families and maintain resource literature.


Health and Community-Based Social Services

Ensure that all older adults have access to the continuum of healthcare and community based services that they need to achieve optimal health and well-being.


  • Invite healthcare and community based organizations to present to your membership.

  • Ask your membership to initiate conversations with family and friends to ensure that older adults have access to healthcare and community based services.

  • Invite My Care, My Plan: Speak Up Sonoma County to offer an advanced care planning workshop for your staff.


Outdoor Spaces and Buildings

Ensure that older adults can access and participate fully in activities, events and services at community parks, buildings and facilities.


  • Organize periodic community cleanup days for parks and/or areas in your community.

  • Sponsor the installation of benches or seating areas at parks, public spaces and/or transit stops.


Communication and Information

Ensure that older adults are able to access essential information and communication resources, allowing them to be informed about and participate in community services and activities.


  • Help make sure that older adults at risk for social isolation get one-to-one information from trusted individuals.

  • Find ways to stay in contact with older adult members and congregants who may attend less frequently, contacting them by telephone, email and in person visits.



Age Friendly

Sonoma County

Phone: 707-525-0143 ext. 124

30 Kawana Springs Road 
Santa Rosa, CA 9540

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