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24% of Healdsburg’s total population are aged 60 and older. With this statistic, Healdsburg has committed that by 2022, Healdsburg will be a diverse, thriving community with a variety of housing.

The first Age Friendly City in Sonoma County! (add photos from picnic)

Healdsburg’s participation in a comprehensive sustainable design assessment process, Healdsburg 2040, closely aligns with Age Friendly work. Check out the details here. The City is also working on a transportation program for seniors in need of rides to medical appointments, etc.

CommUniversity—Experience based learning between local students of all ages and residents of Healdsburg Senior Living.

Find Out More About Age Friendly happenings in Healdsburg.



Age Friendly

Sonoma County

Phone: 707-525-0143 ext. 124

30 Kawana Springs Road 
Santa Rosa, CA 9540

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