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21% of Petaluma's total population are 60 years and older.​ It is one of just four cities in the county that currently has a Senior Citizen Advisory Committee. The City Committee helps identify areas of interest and need for older and active adults and provides advice to the City Council and other departments pertaining to the well-being of Petaluma seniors.  

There is clearly a natural bridge of interest, vision and action between the "Age Friendly" initiative and the existing and continued good work happening on behalf of older adults in Petaluma. 


The City of Petaluma Senior Advisory Committee is proposing a name change for the Petaluma Senior Center to better reflect an active and engaged older adult membership.


COPE (Citizens Organized to Prepare for Emergencies)—neighbors meet neighbors and organize plans to cope with emergencies. This program has become especially active in Sonoma County since the 2017 fires.


Volunteers in Petaluma are actively pursuing an Age Friendly City designation, which would make the city part of the Global Network of Age Friendly Communities. Join the effort and see the recent ArgusCourier OpEd  (insert link to attachment).


The Village Network of Petaluma is a non-profit, community membership organization that empowers adults 50+ to age affordably in their own homes for as long as they can, as well as they can. The Village model is a way of life, not a place: "neighbors helping neighbors." The village model has been successful in more than 230 other communities in the U.S., and we are drawing from their experiences. There are over 29 Villages in the Bay Area, and more in development. We are the first in Sonoma County!



Age Friendly

Sonoma County

Phone: 707-525-0143 ext. 124

30 Kawana Springs Road 
Santa Rosa, CA 9540

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