Age-Friendly Sonoma County…
and its Cities
More to come!
Please check back to learn more about
Age-Friendly actions happening in our cities.
In the Spring of 2016, with the support of the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, Aging Together Sonoma County launched its first county-wide initiative, Age-Friendly Sonoma County.
Building on the resources and tools of the World Health Organization’s Global Network of Age-Friendly Communities, Sonoma County is committed to a multi-year grassroots process that will enhance our community strengths, improve on gap areas, and ensure our county remains a great place to live and age well, across the lifespan.
Age-Friendly Sonoma County is here to support efforts by the county and its cities to meet both the opportunities and challenges our increasing aging population will bring.
As an essential starting point, Age-Friendly Sonoma County staff will meet with our city leaders, mayors and city managers. We will listen and learn from their individual and collective experiences, goals and visions and also share Age-Friendly ideas, tools and resources.
Through a wide-variety of community meetings and presentations, the Age-Friendly Coordinator will engage with many diverse older adults and community partners, to promote Age-Friendly Sonoma County and provide practical Age-Friendly tools and resources.
In the coming weeks and months, Age-Friendly Sonoma County seeks to identify Age-Friendly advocates in each city, individuals motivated to promote Age-Friendly planning and implementation in their own communities. These Age-Friendly advocate volunteers will convene Age-Friendly Task Forces to guide the Age-Friendly explorations, planning and implementation in their own cities.