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Ways to Engage:

Community Organizations,

Non-Profits & Schools

Community Connectedness

Older adults are connected to their communities and participate in community life.


  • Promote volunteer opportunities for older adults.

  • Identify programs within your organization that promote community connectedness for older adults and share information about them with Aging Together Leadership Team.

  • Consider intergenerational opportunities in your programming.



Every older adult is able to access and afford transportation to resources.


  • Provide transportation or connection to transportation resources for your program participants or clients.


Varied Housing Options

Older adults have access to affordable, safe and healthy housing.


  • Establish transitional housing for seniors who have become homeless or are in the process of securing housing.


Healthy Living

Older adults have the resources and support to engage in healthy living including good nutrition and self-care, physical activity, positive mental health, chronic disease prevention and freedom from unhealthy addictions.


  • Promote physical activity among older adults through advocacy and prescriptions for physical activity and healthy eating.

  • Promote access to healthy food for older adults through enrollment in CalFresh, Meals on Wheels and other food programs for qualifying individuals.

  • Ensure that your older adult patients are screened for depression and other mental health conditions and are connected to appropriate treatment sources.

  • Ensure that your older adult patients are screened for alcohol and other substance abuse disorders and connected to recovery services.

  • Promote wellness and healthy aging practices for your staff, patients and the community at large.

  • In your strategic planning process, ensure that you are incorporating healthy aging strategies.


Lifelong Learning

Older adults have access to education and training and are adequately prepared for the challenges of the future.


  • Offer free or low cost classes for older adults.

  • Encourage and support continuing education and learning opportunities for your staff.


Employment and Financial Security

Older adults, and their families, have access to economic resources, services and support to live independently.


  • When you have open staff positions, look to your older adult volunteers who may be looking for employment to subsidize their retirement income.

  • Ensure older adults are aware of and have access to services that will increase their financial security.


Health and Community-Based Social Services

Ensure that all older adults have access to the continuum of healthcare and community based services that they need to achieve optimal health and well-being.


  • Create partnerships and policies to promote cross referrals between healthcare and community based services.

  • Create vehicle to capture shared upstream focused outcomes.

  • Collaborate with My Care, My Plan: Speak Up Sonoma County to offer advanced care planning education to your clients.

Outdoor Spaces and Buildings

Ensure that older adults can access and participate fully in activities, events and services at community parks, buildings and facilities.


  • Provide “Age-Friendly” awareness, empathy and assistance training for your staff.

  • Ensure that pavement and walkways are well-maintained, free of obstructions and safe for pedestrians, walkers and wheelchairs.

Communication and Information

Ensure that older adults are able to access essential information and communication resources, allowing them to be informed about and participate in community services and activities.


  • Offer internet, computer and technology classes and one-on-one support for seniors, making it an opportunity for intergenerational learning and connection.

  • Provide bulletin boards and information sharing areas where older adults naturally gather for activities, classes and events.



Age Friendly

Sonoma County

Phone: 707-525-0143 ext. 124

30 Kawana Springs Road 
Santa Rosa, CA 9540

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